Three young professionals working together to carry a teal block toward a larger pile of blocks.

National Pipeline Advisory Group releases draft strategy report

Analyzing the root causes of the accounting pipeline shortage, potential solutions, and next steps.

Accounting can open doors to limitless career paths – unlocking rewarding and in-demand jobs across every industry. But the profession continues to grapple with outdated misperceptions and a shrinking talent pool. In 2023, the National Pipeline Advisory Group (NPAG) was formed to help shape a profession-wide strategy to address accounting’s talent shortage.

NPAG’s draft strategy report explores the latest pipeline data, root causes of the profession’s attrition, and potential solutions. Proposed recommendations are organized into six key themes:

  • Telling a more compelling story about careers in accounting
  • Creating a more engaging college experience for accounting majors and potential majors
  • Reducing the  time and cost of education
  • Growing support for CPA Exam candidates
  • Expanding access for underrepresented groups
  • Transforming employer cultures and business models

A data-driven approach

To ensure any recommendations are grounded in data and reflect input from all stakeholders, NPAG pursued a number of research and outreach activities. In addition to conducting a comprehensive review of existing research, NPAG collected insights from a national pipeline survey, focus groups with state societies and firms, and discussions with professional and regulatory bodies. More than 7,800 students and accounting professionals took the national survey, and more than 1,600 people participated in the focus groups.

Next steps

NPAG is collecting comments from stakeholders across the profession, which will be considered for the final report in summer 2024. In the meantime, the entire profession is invited to take the Pipeline Pledge – an individual commitment to participate in two activities that have the potential to influence and grow the talent pool. Stay tuned for new initiatives aimed at strengthening the accounting pipeline.